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Sinister Empathy



16 November 2024

A basic satanic ritual with the Black Mirror

You have created a black mirror, you have understood - or started to understand - what it is and how to interact with it, and you have developed a certain degree of Left Empathy. Now it is time to try a real ritual, for the first time. But be careful: you may be in a hurry and have not yet developed enough empathy. Doing satanic rituals without empathy is like going to the movies with sunglasses. And you will say: never mind, I want to do a satanic ritual, even if I am not able to see or fully interpret everything that is happening, I do not care, but I want to try anyway. This way of reasoning is not fundamentally wrong, but it has the flaw that it implies superficiality in your approach to Satanism and Black Magic. Going to the movies with sunglasses not only makes you see the movie badly, but you could stumble, you could sit in the wrong seat, or you could be convinced you are watching a certain movie and instead you are watching another. You want to try it anyway even if you have not developed enough empathy. Ok, this could be another way to develop it. But go very slowly and carefully, and don't overdo it: rolling down the stairs of the cinema in the dark is quite painful.

The basic ritual of Black Magic with the Black Mirror that I explain on this page is like a practical base. It is a ritual, but it is also the base for countless other rituals of the same type, which can be done in countless ways and for countless purposes, but whose base is always the same. How to make a cake? Flour, sugar, milk, butter, eggs. We always start from here, to make countless different cakes. In fact, you will read many suggestions for variations. The ritual that we see here on this page is the "flour, sugar, milk, butter, eggs" of Satanic Black Magic. With this I do not mean to say that all Satanic rituals start from this base - just as the ingredients I have mentioned are not necessarily the base for any cake. But if you want something to start from, then this is it.

The ritual must be done at night. We will also see daytime rituals, but for now leave it alone. Choose a quiet room in your house or any other indoor space. Stand naked or wear a black cloak with a hood over your head - I always recommend wearing a cloak and hood. Place the black mirror on the floor in front of you and light a candle or tea light between you and the mirror. I suggest total silence, but this can also be varied. You can have other objects nearby if you find them useful or functional, or papers with symbols or inscriptions.

The first phase of the ritual is dedicated to pure concentration. This does not mean clearing your mind of any thoughts, but filling your head with Satan. Concentrate on everything that is Dark. Fill your mind with Evil. Think of your head and heart as deep vessels ready to be filled with the cum of a thousand demons. Depending on your tastes, think of yourself as Satan's whore or the butcher of Hell. You must reach a deep immersive state.

They said that the black mirror is a nexion for the Dark Forces, and we talked about how they know about the nexion. But a clarification is needed: the Dark Forces do not have the radar for the nexions, it is we who must be able to show them the nexions we create - or ourselves as nexions. In fact, the ritual of "activating" the black mirror was based almost entirely on highlighting the existence of the nexion. The black mirror is a nexion, it is an “open hole in the wall” (as we were saying): we have seen how to sit passively and watch what enters, exits or passes in front of the hole, but now we want to do something more. We want to try to have an active role and call something from beyond the hole, we want to attract something towards us. What is “something”? I am usually very perplexed about rituals for the evocation of demons or specific entities, which are usually assigned names of Hebrew origin, with specific formulas that should serve for the call. And among the entities invoked there should also be Satan himself. Although this is possible - but not with the vast majority of rituals that are found around - it is extremely difficult to call a very specific entity and requires a lot of experience. In these cases, these are known entities, that the Satanist has already met in the past in previous rituals or experiences, so he knows what and how to do and knows how to recognize it - and all this does not pass through specific processes found on the web and Hebrew names. There is a lot that could be said about this, but let's not go off-topic. In this basic instruction for a summoning ritual, let's just call, without claiming to call anything specific.

Once you have achieved full concentration, when your mind is completely immersed in satanic perversion, grab your cock, probably hard. It should be hard. Take the black mirror and hit your cock on the mirror, three times three times (some do six times in a row). Your cock full of Satan is the call for the dark forces. From this moment, convert your concentration into a call. Use the state of mind you have created to call something to you from the black mirror, whatever lies beyond. Bring the mirror to your face and peer into your reflection. You can hit your cock on the black mirror again if you feel it helps. Look into the mirror again. If you are a novice, trust your instincts and feelings to figure out what to do. If you feel any urges, follow them and do not fight them. You may feel the need to masturbate, or put the mirror down, or turn around, or close your eyes, or lie down. Memories from a distant past or mental images that have nothing to do with what is happening may appear. You may feel confused or disoriented. Don’t worry: what you wanted is happening: the Dark Forces are flowing from the nexion and are interacting with your corrupted mind. You may feel a desire for death or to kill someone, or extremely negative thoughts and images. Obviously try to counteract anything that can harm your health or that of others. Probably an entity is making fun of you or is testing your inner strength. You may hear noises, breathing, blows, touches on your body. Don’t be scared, don’t interrupt the ritual and don’t run away. What you wanted is happening exactly. If you are afraid of what could happen, don’t even start: you are not ready for this. Many Satanists feel the need to lie down and open their legs showing their asshole in front of or against the black mirror, letting the Dark Energies penetrate it. A somewhat colorful but interesting action. Use your empathy to interact with the dark energy that flows from the nexion and to try to understand its nature and effects. Do not limit or fight it, you cannot do it and it is useless. Let it flow through your body and soul and use your empathy to feel its characteristics. Here we enter the occult and therefore inexplicable: everyone finds the answers for themselves.

At a certain point you will feel that something is changing, is going away. The ritual is over. Understanding this is another occult truth. Pour all the energies you have accumulated into a powerful cumshot on the black mirror. The ritual is over and you just need to regain your strength and put everything back in place. Many remember that it is important to say goodbye to the entity you have evoked, so as not to leave the "door open". I am against this principle: it is impossible for us to command, limit, contain or dismiss the Dark Forces in the same way that it is impossible to do so with a Jewish or Christian prayer. And the nexion is not to be closed, the nexion was already open and will remain open. Furthermore, it is not the Satanist's job to "put things back in order": the Satanist sows chaos, turmoil and destruction. Brother: enjoy the fact that you have let something Dark into our world and that it is probably now free to roam, corrupt, infest, mislead and ruin everything in your path. You are a Satanist: do not clean up the filth you have left on the world.

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