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The Black Mirror



5 October 2024

A clarification on what a Black Mirror is (to know how to manage it better)

It has been said many times that the black mirror is a nexion. It is still too early to explain definitively what it means to be a nexion - given that most of the answer is occult and inexplicable - but we can start talking, on this page, about what the fact that the black mirror is a nexion implies. And then begin to penetrate the nature of this object and consequently the nature of the Dark World of which the black mirror is a conduit.

The moment you created and "activated" the door, as per the previous pages, the moment the door exists, the nature of this object has changed - it is no longer an object stained with black but is a vehicle of energies and entities that share our world but not our physical, temporal and material state. Acausal beings, a fundamental concept of Traditional Satanism that will become a pillar of Black Souls and that you can find well discussed in "The Satanic Path", the self-produced guide to Satanism by GSB. But now we are talking about the black mirror and it is still early to go into the merits of these arguments. What must be clear is that the existence of a black mirror implies a series of consequences that cannot be avoided, which are strictly linked to the nature of the mirror and the dark entities and which are essential to understand in order to correctly approach the black mirror, its use, management and conservation.

Let's imagine that you simply bought a new ornament, and that you placed this ornament on the dresser in your bedroom. What influence do you think that new ornament has on your bedroom, on your house and on you? Probably none, or at least very superficial influences. An inanimate object whose presence or absence has no direct consequence on the sensorial perception of the place where you live and of yourself. That inanimate object will not give any information about itself and you will pass in front of it without noticing its presence, or its absence, except on a purely visual level. And this is exactly what a black mirror did before becoming a nexion. As I've said before, just a cheap photo frame made of wood and plastic, smeared with black.

Now imagine instead of making a hole in the wall of your bedroom. A hole the size of a vent. This new presence will not be comparable to a new ornament. A hole in the wall will let in air, water, noise, heat and cold. You might be bothered by the cold that comes in during the night, or you might be pleasantly breezed during the day. You might feel the silence of a quiet evening or the chaos of a busy day. The sensations you would have while staying in that room will be profoundly influenced by the presence of that hole in the wall, you will notice its presence because it is not an inanimate object, it is a source of perceptual stimuli on multiple levels. And above all, independently of your will. A large insect or a swarm of wasps could enter through the hole. You would have no power over its entry, you might only have to or want to manage the situation. Passing in front of that hole in the wall, at any time, you can only look at it and guess what is beyond. Whether it is day or night, whether it is calm or chaos, whether it is hot or cold, according to the sensory signals that enter through the hole regardless of whether you want it or not, and regardless of whether you are there to watch or not. And everything that enters through that hole is totally indifferent to whether you want it or not, whether you are pleased or not, whether you are present or not, whether its effect on things and people is beneficial or not, whether you have placed protections or not.

To have a black mirror is to have a hole in the wall. The hole in the wall will let in heat, cold, water, noise, insects, and so will the black mirror, but on a different level of your perception and sensoriality. Through the black mirror as a nexion will flow hot or cold energies, you will perceive the buzz or echo of a world that is not ours, and the "insects" of the Dark World, the acausal beings, the demons - including Satan - will enter. And I repeat: whether you want it or not, in your presence or not, whether you like it or not, and regardless of what effect it has on you and anyone else in that place. I have already said that the black mirror never sleeps: like a hole in the wall, the black mirror is an open door and its presence in a place is inevitably perceptible.

Returning then to purely material artifacts such as caskets and covering cloths, it becomes clearer why they have a purely protective and conservative function, but always on a material level and certainly not on an energetic or perceptive level. In the same way, the mirror does not "open" by uncovering it from the cloth at the beginning of the ritual: the black mirror is a nexion that is always open, what begins, if anything, at the beginning of a ritual, is our session of listening, reception, acceptance and exploitation of what comes from it.

People with highly developed perceptual sensitivity can sense the presence of a black mirror in your home just by stepping in the door, or even just standing outside in the street. The sensory stimulation caused by the black mirror transcends any hiding place, cover or storage place, because it is acausal. Any causal link is simply ignored, as if it did not exist - because it does not exist at the sensory level at which a black mirror operates. It takes time to become familiar with these concepts, the true understanding of which is almost entirely occult. But you will surely have an experience, which for most Satanists will be the first, real, little brush with the true nature of the black mirror as a nexion. You have probably placed your black mirror in a drawer, or in the cellar, or inside a closet. At any moment, doing and thinking of something completely different, you will suddenly visualize that mirror. You will see it right where you left it, in the closet or drawer, in the box and wrapped in cloth, like x-raying inside all the material - causal - wrappings you put it in. With this sudden x-ray visualization of the mirror, of the acausal type, you are perceiving the presence of the nexion. Something - anything - is coming in through the hole in the wall, has caused a sensory stimulus in you, independently of your will.

If you have a partner who is unaware of the existence of the black mirror, he or she may sense its presence. You may argue more often. If you have friends or family over for dinner, some may be uncomfortable. Some animals may be restless. The room where the black mirror is located may have an inexplicably darker or heavier atmosphere, or even quieter. This could also concern the entire house or the entire building, depending on the sensitivity of certain people - as I said. A particularly sadistic Satanist friend who had a very sensitive friend enjoyed inviting her home for coffee, making her sit in an armchair under which he had placed the black mirror, perversely enjoying her discomfort. Similarly, another friend managed to upset an entire table of relatives by sticking the black mirror to the underside of the dining table. Here we are talking about "fun" with the black mirror and not rituals, unless their conduct is more conscious and elaborate, and we will talk about this later.

Does all this mean that interacting with the black mirror simply means passively undergoing what comes from inside it? Absolutely not. This can be and will be - as we will see - the first form of ritual, to begin dealing with acausal energies, with the Dark World. We will learn to sit in front of the hole in the wall and understand how to perceive what comes from it, remaining at its same sensorial level. We will begin by remaining seated in front of the hole in the wall to perceive - and at what level to perceive - the heat, the cold, the noise, the air and water that freely enter from it, for the sole fact that the black mirror is a nexion, without us doing anything to encourage or limit this entry, or to make use of it.

But along with the air, water, heat and noise, some "insects" will also enter. The first step will be to learn to understand that the insect has entered and understand if and how to manage the situation. We will see how to intuit whether it is a dangerous insect or not, and if it is dangerous to what extent. It could sting us, and we will see if and what to do in this case. All this still passively. And then, gaining experience, we will learn how to stand in front of the hole in the wall and, with the right catalyst, try to call one or more specific insects, for the satisfaction of seeing them enter. Subsequently call them to interact with them in more ways, and to make us sting voluntarily. And finally, we will see how to exploit the venom that they have injected into us for our own personal purposes.

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