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Sinister Empathy



2 November 2024

An exercise to develop Empathy

We have already mentioned the Rite of the Adept. This rite is the primary and most effective means of developing acausal sinister empathy. The ritual involves living for a period of no less than three months in a simple and hermitic way, in an isolated place devoid of human habitation and human contact. This develops acausal empathy and acquires the most important esoteric ability: being able, using this faculty, to open nexions for the acausal. The most advanced form, which lasts at least six months, is more selective but is more effective and develops greater and stronger abilities. This rite allows the aspiring Adept, given its rigor, simplicity and isolation, to attune to the acausal essence beyond causal forms.

During this Rite, the candidate has nothing to hide: he is alone, in a natural, non-urban environment, devoid of human contact. He is devoid of entertainment and distractions, devoid of comforts, and most of all devoid of the modern technology that allows and encourages the rapid, insipid, and banal communication of abstractions, emotions, and responses. All the candidates have is the earth, the sky, the weather, whatever wildlife exists in their chosen location, and their feelings, dreams, beliefs, determination, and hopes. They can either cling to their ego (their supposed separate identity) and their past, the banal world they have chosen to temporarily leave behind, or they can tune into the natural rhythm of Nature and the Cosmos beyond, beyond all causal abstractions: beyond even the esoteric ones, which are but hints, pointers, symbols of the acausal essence often obscured by causal forms and written and spoken words. An esoteric, wordless understanding of the acausal essence is bestowed by the development of empathy. Thus, this Rite influences and changes the candidate and thus serves as the foundation for the next phase of the journey: moving toward, into, and beyond one's nexion, where the beginning of wisdom can be found.

  • This rite is particularly demanding and I have not chosen it as my preferred way to discover and develop satanic empathy. But beware: it remains the most valid means of all, even if it's difficult to put into practice - but no one ever said that Satanism is simple. We know it well: the Left Hand Path (of which Satanism is a version) is hard, complex, requires sacrifices and difficult choices. If you prefer a spirituality in which a nursery rhyme is enough to make you feel at peace with yourself, or one in which it's enough to raise your eyes to the sky waiting for a superior being to come and solve your problems or get you out of trouble, forget Satanism and go lick the dust in a church. However, if Black Souls wants to be a collection of simple answers to difficult questions, the Rite of the Adept is certainly not a simple answer. Therefore, I don't propose it as a first choice to you who are reading - but you can go into it in more depth at another time.

What I propose here is a sort of "fake" Adept Rite, a reconstruction of the rite on a smaller scale so that some of its fundamental principles can still be understood and absorbed, for the purpose of a concrete development of one's satanic empathy. I propose to dedicate a time of no less than half a night and no more than a whole night, even if the rite can be extended at will - but a shorter duration in my opinion is a waste of time.

Choose a night in which you are sure to be free from commitments, distractions or possible setbacks. Choose an outdoor place sufficiently remote and isolated in the area where you live. It cannot be your garden, go far from your house, get away from your daily living context. In the countryside or in the mountains it's quite easy to find this place. In the city it could be more difficult, so I suggest leaving the city and looking for at least a park on the outskirts. If even this is not possible, I suggest a roof or any other place that, even if it doesn't have a natural character, at least guarantees insulation and exposure to the open air.

All the precepts of the Adept's Ritual must be respected. The respect of these precepts is itself an indication of how to perform the ritual.

  • You must be alone

  • You must be in a natural environment. We have already talked about this before, for the choice of the right place.

  • No entertainment, distractions or comfort. No chairs, cushions, blankets, clothes whose function should be to protect from the heat/cold. You should be dressed simply and lightly. Don't cover yourself with heavy sweaters just because it's cold. Don't use a beach umbrella just because it's sunny. Don't use an umbrella just because it's raining. If you have scheduled a date for the ritual and, once that day arrives, the weather conditions are not what you consider ideal and perfect (it's raining/snowing/torrid heat/muggy/humidity/cold wave) you must not cheat by postponing the ritual. Stick to your choice and face the conditions you will find without running for cover with protective means - this is also part of the ritual.

  • The presence of electronic devices - cell phones, PCs, TVs, radios, speakers - is prohibited. Don't believe that reading, watching or listening to text, audio or video content can increase your concentration or inspiration. This may also be true, but it's not part of this ritual.

Immersion in the atmosphere of the ritual lasts at least an hour. Achieving the first results requires at least two hours. Do you want the truth? The first few minutes you will be bored to death. After a certain period (usually about half an hour) a strange anxiety will begin to arise - it will be your withdrawal crisis towards everything in the world that submerges the real you. Between the first half hour and the first hour, your only desire will probably be to put an end to this absurd thing you are doing and go back to occupying your time better. You can do it, no one is holding you there. You are free to fail.

If you manage to get through the first hour, you will probably feel that something has already changed in you compared to when you started. The goal of this "experience" (it isn't a ritual) is to develop Sinister Empathy. What you have to do is stick to the rules I have explained and try to go as far as possible. If you are trying to hold out as long as possible, but in your heart you are already done, then something is wrong. You are not concentrating enough. Try to leave behind the haste, impatience, laziness, confusion, uncertainty. Call upon the Dark One. Call upon Satan. Masturbate if you want, but don't reach orgasm too soon. Reach a state of Priapism (and we will talk about this again).

Your goal is to gain at least another little bit of that subtle sensory perception of the acausal energies that permeate Nature. But this is not a lesson in Wiccan magic: you must perceive the Black, you must perceive the Fire. The trees must burn, the water must be poisoned, the earth must be contaminated, the air must turn into unbreathable smoke. Try to perceive Satan in all things, try to perceive the Dark Forces as an insidious virus that insinuates itself into all things and devastates their essence. The Hell that exists within you must suddenly exist around you, like flashes of horror in the darkness of the night.

At the end of this experience, get a delicious, lustful cumshot. Cum on the nature around you: a tree, a stone, in the water, on the ground. Leave your satanic seed in the world. Leave your poisonous trace in the pristine nature. You can repeat this experience as many times as you want. The more times you repeat it, the more you will understand its meaning and the meaning of the emotions and sensations that it transmits to you. In other words, the more you will develop Sinister Empathy.

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