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Hermetic Magic



21 December 2024

Some clarifications about Hermetic Magic

According to traditional Satanism, magic can be divided into three forms: internal magic, external magic and aeonic magic.

  • Internal Magic. This is when magical techniques are used to alter an individual's consciousness. Internal magic rites "open the gates" between the causal and the acausal and change perception from the consciousness of the "ego" to that of the "self" and to what is beyond. Internal magic produces "individuation". The main rites of internal magic are hermetic workings that involve the individual in her solitude and isolation. What we've seen so far in the previous pages of Black Souls was almost mostly Internal Magic.

  • External Magic. This is the magic that gives results and is the magic of the Initiate and the External Adept. It exists in two forms: ceremonial and hermetic. Ceremonial magic is ritual magic – ceremonies and rites where more than two individuals are required. Ceremonial magic can be done mainly for two reasons: to create/lower and then direct magical energy for a specific purpose (for example to curse someone), or to represent through words and symbolism the myths/knowledge of a particular tradition or cult. However, sometimes the energy generated by a symbolic ritual can be directed towards a specific end, as in the Black Mass. Hermetic rituals usually require one or two individuals ('sexual magic' is usually hermetic) and are generally done improvising. They require that those who undertake them possess or are capable of developing during the ritual an empathy with the forces/energies employed, as well as possess the necessary desire to direct the forces/energies. Hermetic magic usually leaves no trace of itself and requires no trace of reference, but begins and ends with those who apply it. In contrast, ceremonial rituals are usually written down and when they are performed a fixed text is followed, with only small variations taking into account the emotion of the moment.

  • Cosmic Magic. This is the magic of the Master and the Magus and its basis is an understanding of those forces that influence large numbers of people over long periods of time. On a certain level, cosmic magic is the alteration/distortion of these forces; on another, it is the «creation» of new energies and their dispersion of these on Earth to change conscious evolution. In a certain sense, this is the "blackest" magic of all, because it involves the evolution of the world and societies.

Satanism, as magic, has no seasonal rites, no slavery or submission to any deity, and no fear. In Satanic rites there are no defensive circles: only an exultation of the forces of the ritual, a proud possession and mastery. Rituals are often carried out during the full moon period because this helps to see when the ritual is outdoors and because it gives atmosphere to the ritual. Sometimes rites are conducted during or around seasonal changes – solstice and equinox – because then magical energy is present (due to changes in the Earth) and this energy can be harnessed.

The same applies to planetary changes – the rising and setting of planets. These planetary energies exist, but are generally limited, and have little effect on properly performed rituals. Most Occultists are deceived as to the nature and limitation of these energies (especially as they pertain to the Moon). An authentic empathic sensitivity to these energies is difficult in our technological and at the same time superstitious society.

What is important to understand about traditional Satanism is what is meant by "Satan." Traditional Satanists do not view Satan simply as a symbol of their own consciousness, but rather as a representation of those suprapersonal forces beyond the individual psyche.

To see "Satan" simply as a symbol of oneself is firstly to self-deceive about the nature of acausal cosmic forces and secondly to make (or attempt to make) Black Magic tame and safe. To deal with larger forces is to court danger, psychologically and physically. Traditional Satanists see this danger as a means: the strong survive and the weak perish. This is simply a reflection of authentic Satanist philosophy rather than a domesticated vision of it.

Satan, in traditional Satanism, is never represented pictorially and the understanding of the physical or causal manifestation of our Prince of Darkness is an experience that every Satanic Adept realizes on his own, undertaking the rites of Black Magic according to the dark tradition. 

It's up to each Adept to undergo this experience of occult understanding the image of Satan, since it is a type of reality that cannot be taught, it can only be experienced.
It's also important to realize that the name “Satan” is not his real name but a convenient epithet, used because it expresses part of his nature. In fact, there is no true "name" as we understand names, perhaps only a sound vibration (which cannot really be noted) that summons it to our consciousness and our world. In a certain sense, Satan is the essence of the acausal, the cosmic force of Chaos, whose intrusion into our causal dimensions disrupts the entropy that linear time produces. Our species requires and has required symbols to ensure that there is consciousness and evolution. The Abyss destroys, or creates a new species, a new "mind" capable of functioning at levels not normally accessible to individuals of a lower mental level.

Through Satan, the Novices and Adepts work with Internal Magic to develop Satanic Empathy, penetrate the depths of the Abyss and open the doors to the Dark Forces. The next step is to work with External Magic and in particular with Hermetic Magic, to develop the energies that come from the Abyss that they have opened within themselves and direct those energies towards their goals. From here on we continue towards Ceremonial Magic and finally Cosmic Magic, which are the subject of the Masters and Black Priests.

All the pages of chapter III of Black Souls are dedicated to Hermetic Magic, which is also called Sexual Magic, but it is a superficial name. With Hermetic Magic we will see the magical aspects of male orgasm, ejaculation and priapism, the purposes of Black Magic of the hermetic type and we will see many rituals of hermetic magic, solitary, in pairs or more, deepening the concept of awareness and a-awareness applied to Black Magic to take full advantage and power from the sexual acts practiced in the name of Satan.

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